Congratulations to our​
 Early Learning Leadership Award Winner
Congratulations to our​
 Early Learning Leadership Award Winner

Kyle Baltuch


Children’s Week Florida™ and the Florida Early Learning Consortium are proud to present the inaugural Early Learning Leadership Award to Kyle Baltuch of the Florida Chamber Foundation. This award celebrates the outstanding work of Florida’s early childhood experts.

Kyle Baltuch was selected as the award’s inaugural recipient for his passion and dedication to Florida’s youngest citizens. He currently serves as the Senior Vice President of Economic Opportunity and Early Learning for the Florida Chamber Foundation. In this position, Kyle runs the Foundations Prosperity Project, Business Alliance for Early Learning, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Project, all of which are critical components to the 2030 Blueprint and ensuring Florida is the 10th largest economy in the world by 2030.

Prior to his work with the Chamber, Kyle worked as the Vice President of Florida TaxWatch. During his time at Florida TaxWatch, he served on the leadership team overseeing the key day-to-day operations while advancing the longer-term vision for the organization. Prior to his role as the organization’s Vice President, Kyle served as the non-profit’s Economist. As TaxWatch’s Economist, Kyle’s expertise led the non-profit watchdog’s analysis of economic development, job creation, education, manufacturing, healthcare, municipal pensions, tourism, and more.

You can read more about Kyle Baltuch’s efforts on behalf of our state's early learning space here.