We are excited for the upcoming 30th Anniversary of the Children’s Week Florida™ initiative, April 13-18, 2025. This special week of advocacy and connection would not be possible without our network of partners and volunteers across the state who work diligently to make a positive impact for Florida’s children, teens, and families. Our partners help us speak loud and clear as One Voice in support of important advocacy and legislative issues

During the 2025 Children’s Week Florida™ celebration, partners will have the opportunity to meet with thousands of attendees, including legislators, public officials, policy makers, child and teen advocates, non-profit organizations, community and business leaders, teachers, students, families, and more. Partners will also be promoted on various Children’s Week Florida™ digital platforms and in print, allowing them to reach a wide audience and network of consumers around the state.

Partner Registration for our 2025 activities and events is now closed. Please contact our Children’s Week Florida™ Planning Team at 850-487-6300 or info@childrensweek.org if you have any questions. Thank you!

Featured Partnerships*

All Featured Partners offer exclusive visibility for specific Children’s Week Florida™ events and activities.
Featured Partners will have their name/logo featured on statewide media advertisements and CWFL
promotional materials. They will be included in a written press release and/or media advisory of the
Children’s Week Florida™ 2025 activity corresponding to their partnership level.

Featured Partners will also receive two guaranteed booth locations during Children’s Day activities on
Tuesday, April 15, 2025 (inside the Capitol Rotunda and outside in the Capitol Courtyard).

Featured Partner benefits include:

Advocacy DINNER & Awards Ceremony


  • Exclusive speaking opportunity during the 2025 Advocacy Dinner & Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 14th  
    • Including the introduction and announcement of the 2025 Youth Advocate Award winner
  • Two tables with VIP seating at the 2025 Advocacy Dinner & Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 14th (16 dinner tickets) 
  • Opportunity to provide two dedicated emails AND name/logo with brand recognition in two CWFL emails 
  • Dedicated Featured Partner posts on all CWFL social media platforms (6 posts) 
  • And more!

Media & Press Conference


  • Exclusive speaking opportunity during the 2025 Statewide Press Conference on Tuesday, April 15th
  • Two tables with VIP seating at the 2025 Advocacy Dinner & Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 14th (16 dinner tickets)
  • Opportunity to virtually host one informational workshop or advocacy webinar during our 2025 Thoughtful Thursday event on Thursday, April 17th
  • Opportunity to provide two dedicated emails AND name/logo with brand recognition in two CWFL emails
  • Dedicated Featured Partner posts on all CWFL social media platforms (6 posts)
  • And more!

Children’s Day Events*


  • Exclusive speaking opportunity during the 2025 Children’s Day Event on Tuesday, April 15th
  • One table with VIP seating at the 2025 Advocacy Dinner & Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 14th (8 dinner tickets total) 
  • Opportunity to provide one dedicated email AND inclusion of name/logo with brand recognition in one CWFL email 
  • Dedicated Featured Partner posts on all CWFL social media platforms (5 posts) 
  • And more!

Storybook Village*


  • Exclusive speaking opportunity during the 11th Annual Storybook Village during the Children’s Day Event on Tuesday, April 15th
  • One table with VIP seating at the 2025 Advocacy Dinner & Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 14th (8 dinner tickets total) 
  • Opportunity to provide one dedicated email AND inclusion of name/logo with brand recognition in one CWFL email 
  • Dedicated Featured Partner posts on all CWFL social media platforms (4 posts) 
  • And more!

Celebration of
the Hands*


  • Exclusive speaking opportunities to provide the dedication of the Celebration of the Hands following set-up on Sunday, April 13th and during the 2025 Children’s Day Event on Tuesday, April 15th
  • One table with VIP seating at the 2025 Advocacy Dinner & Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 14th (8 dinner tickets total)
  • Opportunity to provide one dedicated email AND inclusion of name/logo with brand recognition in one CWFL email
  • Dedicated Featured Partner posts on all CWFL social media platforms (4 posts)
  • And more!

Teen Day


  • Exclusive speaking opportunities during Teen Day at the Capitol on Wednesday, April 16th and working with Florida After School, Inc. in the facilitation of various teen enrichment activities on April 14th and 15th
  • One table with VIP seating at the 2025 Advocacy Dinner & Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 14th (8 dinner tickets total) 
  • Opportunity to provide one dedicated email AND inclusion of name/logo with brand recognition in one CWFL email 
  • Dedicated Featured Partner posts on all CWFL social media platforms (4 posts)
  • And more!

Additional Partnership Opportunities

Children’s Week Florida™ partnership levels are intended to accommodate budgets of all sizes.
As a partner, you will have numerous opportunities to promote your organization’s brand, products, and services.

Our partners will have their name/logo featured on CWFL promotional materials and the
opportunity to host a booth during Children’s Day activities Tuesday, April 15, 2025.

Additional Partner benefits include:



  • Opportunity to provide one dedicated email AND inclusion of name/logo with brand recognition in one group CWFL email listing all Statewide Partners
  • Five tickets to the 2025 Advocacy Dinner & Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 14th
  • Opportunity to distribute custom-branded giveaways during the 2025 Children’s Day activities on Tuesday, April 15th
  • Dedicated Statewide Partner posts on all CWFL social media platforms (3 posts)
  • Plus more!



  • Four tickets to the 2025 Advocacy Dinner & Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 14th
  • Opportunity to distribute custom-branded giveaways during the 2025 Children’s Day activities on Tuesday, April 15th
  • Dedicated Community Partner posts on all CWFL social media platforms (2 posts)
  • Plus more!



  • Three tickets to the 2025 Advocacy Dinner & Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 14th
  • Opportunity to distribute custom-branded giveaways during the 2025 Children’s Day activities on Tuesday, April 15th
  • Dedicated Capitol Partner post on all CWFL social media platforms (1 post)
  • Plus more!

One Voice


  • Two tickets to the 2025 Advocacy Dinner & Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 14th
  • Opportunity to distribute custom-branded giveaways during the 2025 Children’s Day activities on Tuesday, April 15th
  • Inclusion in group “thank you” post with other One Voice Partners on all CWFL social media platforms
  • Plus more!

*Featured Partnerships are meant to ensure maximum brand recognition, exposure, and visibility. Typically, there is one Featured Partner for each of the featured levels. Up to three Featured Partners may share collaborative featured levels/events including Storybook Village and Teen Day Events. Additional important items to note: 

  1. All in-person events or large gatherings are contingent upon health and safety guidelines at the time of Children’s Week Florida™.
  2. Content and images for dedicated emails (Featured & Statewide Partners) must be provided by the partner. If content is not provided by the partner in a timely manner, the CWFL Planning Team will highlight the partner organization as a Featured Partner in CWFL-branded e-mail.
  3. CWFL social media platforms include Facebook and Instagram.
  4. CWFL promotional materials may include website, programs, signage, tote bags, etc.
  5. Statewide promotional efforts may encompass a variety of media platforms, including but not limited to digital, multimedia, print, radio, & television outlets.
Advocacy Reception & Awards Ceremony
Media & Press Conference
Children’s Day Events
Storybook Village
Celebration of the Hands
Teen Day Events
One Voice

Children’s Week Florida™ and the Children’s Forum maintain the right to review any and all donations, partnerships, and/or opportunities with due diligence to provide meaningful advocacy opportunities in support of children, teens, and families.

Any organizations or individuals who may be deemed in conflict with the goals, mission, or values of Children’s Week Florida™ or the Children’s Forum, or who pose potential reputational harm to either, may not be accepted.